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Direct Reports View - Well almost......


I have been tasked with setting up an AR webui that will show Managers their Direct Reports that are of a certain employeeType. The scenario is the managers should be able to review all their agency workers and then modify certain attributes of those accounts.


I had already modified the Self Service Page to allow Managers to manage their groups so I though this would be a similar exercise.


I have tried various ways of doing this; setup a couple of users to test on with me as the Manager.

- Adding Direct Reports to the Users form. On the Advanced tab, modify the LDAP search filter to find users with only Agency employee type set. This doesn't seem to work, in fact anything I try doesn't seem the change the results - I get the same two users.

- Created a Custom search task. Pulls back all Agency Workers as I couldn't work out how to pipe the details of the logged in user into the search criteria ie Managedby="DN of logged in User"

- Created a custom Entitlement Profiles. Which sort of works (only if I put the manager as Owner), but is messy and means the webUI will include all the entitlement profiles.


If anyone has any other ideas I would be most grateful.


  BTW I was planning to give permissions to the appropriate attributes by creating a MU and aligning a template to it and using the Primary/secondary Owner principals to allocate permissions.


Lastly, and I hope this makes sense, when the Managers open up this page they just need to see a list of their Agency Workers with a few attributes (they don't need to see their own details). They then select one of their users and modify a couple of VAs. The problem I have is that if I don't include the User Details on the initial page then they don't appear on the second. I almost need two pages with different definitions?


Thanks for all and any help






  • In terms of building up the list, I would use a Managed Unit that grants the Manager/ManagedBy the required view/edit rights over their direct reports.

    Then, for sake of efficiency, I would take the Help Desk site, make a copy of it and sculpt it down such that:

    a) The only browsable view is of the Managed Units node
    b) You only have user properties pages

    b) may not require much in the way of changes if you are only granting the manager access to users anyway

    You could create a link to this from your "self service" home page - yes, it's taking them to another AR site but that's not a big deal is it? - the user doesn't need to know.

    'Hope this helps