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Windows Administrative Delegation


I was wondering what Quest product can perform the following functionality, as I need a single product (key word) for Windows 7->10 client & W2K8 R2->W2K16 server, that covers all the below tasks with no user admin rights at all (i.e. Local or Domain Admin).

- Use Open Source software

- Windows (not AD) Role Base Access Control for standard 1, 2 & 3 level and Developer troubleshooting tasks (i.e. not standard BAU work), including on Domain Controllers. Such as remotely viewing a Windows computer’s Group Policy Eventviewer log or viewing a Security Eventviewer log on a PC or performing a ‘netstat –ab’ or 'ipconfig /flushdns' commands , which all would normally require local admin rights or Domain Admin when performed on a Domain Controller, etc..

- Provide Application Whitelisting of standard built-in Windows troubleshooting utilities/tools, such as: nslookup, tracert, netsh, ping, ipconfig, etc…

- Provide PowerShell access to a very limited set of Cmdlets

- Provide a developer with low level troubleshooting server & PC access without giving them admin rights, such as: ProcessExp, Regedit to HKLM, netsh trace, etc..

- Provide extensive user logging of every actioned performed to a common shared network folder.

- Be Agentless and require no Service accounts, etc

