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Dynamic from email address in a workflow?

Hi guys,

Right now we have some new hire and departure workflows set up on a per-user basis, as HR wants the emails to come from them, rather than an HR alias. I was wondering if it's possible to have the from address in a workflow be dynamic based on the initiator of the workflow. I'm assuming this is not possible, since from addresses are chosen on the email notification dropdown, but I was curious if anyone has figured out a way to do this?

Right now my only thought to get this to work is to have the initiator also be added in the to field, as that will at least have them on the email chain. But if it's possible to make the initiator the sender then that would be the best.

  • at first glance on Workflow Email notification:
    1. From: I always used to set static
    2. To: can have different options for email-format:
    2.a) To-notify-requester
    2.b) To-notify-Approver
    2.c) both options can be set to be resolved on-fly during the concrete workflow triggered execution: Requester, Initiator, Initiator.Manager, TargetObject.Manager etc...
  • at first glance on Workflow Email notification:
    1. From: I always used to set static
    2. To: can have different options for email-format:
    2.a) To-notify-requester
    2.b) To-notify-Approver
    2.c) both options can be set to be resolved on-fly during the concrete workflow triggered execution: Requester, Initiator, Initiator.Manager, TargetObject.Manager etc...
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