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ARS Server Collector


I have the same question as here:

But because there are only answers which don't answer the question I'm gonne give it a try.

Can someone tell me where I can find the configuration for a EDM Collector task, I've searched the registry for the task ID and found it but this doesn't contain the configuration only the database name etc. I've also looked in the database but didn't see any configuration settings. So where is the configuration for these tasks saved?

And is it possible to  reconfigure an existing EDM Collector task?

I have implemented ARS 6.9.

Thank you.

  • 1. AR Collector Job is Scheduled Task in Windows Task Scheduler on Windows Server.
    2. AR Collector Wizard helps to setup the AR Collector Job (in Windows Task Scheduler).
    3. (Change - not allowed) Recreate AR Collector Job will require run AR Collector Wizard (which will ask (a) AR ADmin credentials to access AR Server, (b) local admin to update/create Scheduled Task in Windows Scheduler and access SQL\ARReporting db)

  • 1. AR Collector Job is Scheduled Task in Windows Task Scheduler on Windows Server.
    2. AR Collector Wizard helps to setup the AR Collector Job (in Windows Task Scheduler).
    3. (Change - not allowed) Recreate AR Collector Job will require run AR Collector Wizard (which will ask (a) AR ADmin credentials to access AR Server, (b) local admin to update/create Scheduled Task in Windows Scheduler and access SQL\ARReporting db)

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