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How can I properly check the virtual attribute for an null or not set value


How can I properly check the virtual attribute for an null or not set value in this script snippet?

**Note: they have this method used multiple times throughout a much larger script (ondeprovision) works when the virtual attribute has a value does NOT work when null or not set.


I am attempting to use an virtual attribute to control script operations. virtual attribute is called AA_TermUserComputer


#        Move user Computers when ARS attribute AA_TermUserComputer is populated E.G> PC1,laptop2
#Read in Virtual Attribute AA_TermUserComputer using $dirobj.GetInfoEx into memory

$DirObj.GetInfoEx(@("AA_TermUserComputer"), 0)
#read from memory
if (!($DirObj.Get("AA_TermUserComputer") -eq "")){
$usercomputer = $DirObj.Get("AA_TermUserComputer")

work to be done



Error from ARadminsvc  event log when the value is not set.

Exception calling "Get" with "1" argument(s): "The directory property cannot be found in the cache.




  • Rather than $DirObj.Get, have you tried using Get-QADUser?


    $MyVAValue = $(Get-QADUser -identity $Request.GUID -proxy -includedproperties AA_TermUserComputer).AA_TermUserComputer

    ...and then check $MyVAValue for "$Null"
  • Rather than $DirObj.Get, have you tried using Get-QADUser?


    $MyVAValue = $(Get-QADUser -identity $Request.GUID -proxy -includedproperties AA_TermUserComputer).AA_TermUserComputer

    ...and then check $MyVAValue for "$Null"
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