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Add Manager for Security Group 2nd Domain


We have recently merged and have two domains with a trust in place.

I'm trying to figure out a way where I can add a person from one of the domains as the Manager of a security group in the other domain?

I can add a member to the group from the other domain, but when trying to search for the user to add as manager it only shows the domain where the security group was created ?

Any Help greatly appreciated

  • AD\group.managedBy = user.DN
    Is Cross-Forest relation involved?
    DN is Forest wide scope and cannot cross forest boundary. If group and user belong to different forests then user cannot be set as manager of the group.
    Group.member attribute allows cross forest relation utilizing ForeignSecruityPrinciple (FSP) (SID of foreign trusted forest\user is set into ForestA\FSP and the FSP.DN is set as memberOf the ForestA\group.

  • Yes we have a trust in place between both domains