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How am I getting all property when running ARS script

Hi, everytime I am running a command using ARS cmdlet and using Connect-QADService -Proxy I am getting all the properties of each users at each command called.

So a script running against 40 account is returning all properties (many lines) for all the 40 accounts.

Is it normal and can I remove it?

Thank you!

  • The simplest way to return only specific properties is this:

    Get-QADUser username | select property1,property2,property3

    If you are concerned about the network overhead of bringing down "extra" properties from AD, you can start to limit the property set by using the "-DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties" switch to reduce the returned property set.

    Try this and see if this is more suitable for you.

    Then use the -includedproperties parameter (e.g. -includedproperties property1,property2) to pull specific properties that are excluded by the above that you need.

    If you want to get very sophisticated the cmdlets:


    ...can be used to adjust the default property set returned by the cmdlet.

    If you like, you can post your code and tell us a bit more about what you are trying to accomplish.