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Is there a PowerShell way to trigger PolicyCheck?

Using get-qadObject to view a custom policy under ARS policy objects in powershell - and piping that to get-Method, I can see a method to commit changes.

Method from set-qadobject


Name: CommitChanges

MemberType: Method

Definition: void CommitChanges()


How do I trigger that from powershell - from set-qadobject "DN=Path to the policyObject" ?

I found an example script on this site that uses VB - but VB is so last year ...

So the question is - how do you do this with powershell?  Without removing and re-adding a value that would trigger the policy check.

  • This is not a trivial subject.  Are you familiar with the ActiveRoles $Request object and the various internal "events" surrounding an ActiveRoles transaction?

    Have you looked at the ActiveRoles SDK?  It will give some insights on this though I could not find a Powershell code sample in there for you.  The attached library of functions though does contain a function called ExecutePolicyRule which you might find helpful.


    # *****************************************************************************
    #                  Best Practices Library For PowerShell
    # *****************************************************************************
    # (c) Quest Software Corporation, Moscow Office
    # last modified: 2012/03/29 
    #                  IsObjectClassRequested
    #   This function determines if the request was issued for the specified 
    # object class. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler
    # to be triggered for the specified object class only.
    # Parameters
    #   $ClassName - string with object class name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "User", "GROUP", "computer"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When operation target object type equals to $ClassName
    #   $false - When operation target object type does not equal to $ClassName
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to any event handlers
    function IsObjectClassRequested([string]$ClassName, $Request)
              return ($Request.Class -ieq $ClassName)
    } #-- IsObjectClassRequested
    #                  AreObjectClassesRequested
    #   This function determines if the request was issued for any of the 
    # specified object classes. It can be useful to force the script policy event 
    # handlerto be triggered for the specified object classes only.
    # Parameters
    #   $ClassNames - string array with object class names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases for example "User", "GROUP", "computer"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When operation target object type equals to any of $ClassNames
    #   $false - When operation target object type does not equal to any of $ClassNames
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to any event handlers
    function AreObjectClassesRequested([array]$ClassNames, $Request)
              return (($ClassNames | %{ IsObjectClassRequested $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreObjectClassesRequested
    #                  IsAttributeModified
    #   This function determines if modification for the specified attribute 
    # is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler 
    # to be triggered for the specified attribute modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is modified during 
    #     request
    #   $false - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is not modified 
    #     during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function IsAttributeModified ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        $objEntry = $Request.GetPropertyItem($AttributeName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING)
        if ($objEntry -eq $null) { return $false }
        if ($objEntry.ControlCode -eq 0) { return $false }
        return $true
    } #-- IsAttributeModified
    #                  AreAttributesModified
    #   This function determines if modification for any of the specified 
    # attributes is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event 
    # handler to be triggered for the specified attributes modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeNames - string array with attribute names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases,for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is modified 
    #     during request
    #   $false - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is not 
    #     modified during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function AreAttributesModified ([array]$AttributeNames, $Request)
        return (($AttributeNames | %{ IsAttributeModified $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreAttributesModified
    #                  RemoveModifiedAttribute
    #   This function determines if modification for the specified attribute 
    # is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler 
    # to be triggered for the specified attribute modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function RemoveModifiedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
    } #-- RemoveModifiedAttribute
    #                  IsAttributeRequested
    #   This function determines if the specified attribute is requested 
    # to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is requested during 
    #     request
    #   $false - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is not requested 
    #     during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function IsAttributeRequested ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        return $Request.IsAttributeRequested($AttributeName)
    } #-- IsAttributeRequested
    #                  AreAttributesRequested
    #   This function determines if any of the specified attributes is requested 
    # to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeNames - string array with attribute names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is requested 
    #     during request
    #   $false - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is not 
    #     requested during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function AreAttributesRequested ([array]$AttributeNames, $Request)
        return (($AttributeNames | %{ IsAttributeRequested $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreAttributesRequested
    #                  AddRequestedAttribute
    #   This function adds the specified attribute to the list of requested 
    # attributes to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function AddRequestedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
    } #-- AddRequestedAttribute
    #                  IsAttributeGenerationRequested 
    #   This function determines if a server-side generation for the specified 
    # attribute is requested. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When a server-side generation for specified by $AttributeName 
    #      attribute is requested
    #   $false - When a server-side generation for specified by $AttributeName 
    #      attribute is not requested
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onGetEffectivePolicy event handler only.
    function IsAttributeGenerationRequested ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        $requestedAttributes = GetInControl $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_FULL_EFFECTIVE_POLICY_INFO $Request
        if ($requestedAttributes -eq $null) { return $false }
        return ($requestedAttributes -icontains $AttributeName)
    } #-- IsAttributeGenerationRequested
    #                  GetAttribute
    #   This function returns a value of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function GetAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        trap { continue }
        return $ADSIObject.Get($AttributeName)
    } #-- GetAttribute
    #                  GetMultiValuedAttribute
    #   This function returns an array of values of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when 
    # the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Array of integer, string, or boolean values - When specified by 
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetMultiValuedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        trap { continue }
        return $ADSIObject.GetEx($AttributeName)
    } #-- GetMultiValuedAttribute
    #                  GetActualAttribute
    #   This function returns an array of values of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when 
    # the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Array of integer, string, or boolean values - When specified by 
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetActualAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        if (IsAttributeModified $AttributeName $ADSIObject)
            return (GetAttribute $AttributeName $ADSIObject)
            trap { continue }
            return (GetAttribute $AttributeName $DirObj)
    } #-- GetActualAttribute
    #                  PutAttribute
    #   This function returns a value of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function PutAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Value, $ADSIObject)
        if (($Value -eq $null) -or ($Value -eq ''))
            [void]$ADSIObject.PutEx($Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, $AttributeName, $null)
            [void]$ADSIObject.Put($AttributeName, $Value)
    } #-- PutAttribute
    #                  GetRequestParameter
    #   This function returns a value of the specified parameter of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ParameterName - string with parameter name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "MyParameter", "MYPARAMETER"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $ParameterName parameter has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $ParameterName parameter has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function GetRequestParameter ([string]$ParameterName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.Parameter[$ParamaterName]
    } #-- GetRequestParameter
    #                  GetInControl
    #   This function returns a value of the specified ARS input control of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when the 
    # input control has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by 
    #     $ControlName ARS input control has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $ControlName ARS input control has no 
    #     value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetInControl ([string]$ControlName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.GetInControl($ControlName)
    } #-- GetInControl
    #                  GetOutControl
    #   This function returns a value of the specified ARS output control of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when the 
    # output control has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by 
    #     $ControlName ARS input control has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $ControlName ARS output control has no 
    #     value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetOutControl ([string]$ControlName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.GetOutControl($ControlName)
    } #-- GetOutControl
    #                  PutInControl
    #   This function sets a value of the specified ARS input control of 
    # the Request object. 
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Value - any type value to set to the input control
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function PutInControl ([string]$ControlName, $Value, $Request)
       [void]$Request.PutInControl($ControlName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $Value)
    } #-- PutInControl
    #                  PutOutControl
    #   This function sets a value of the specified ARS output control of 
    # the Request object. 
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Value - any type value to set to the output control
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function PutOutControl ([string]$ControlName, $Value, $Request)
       [void]$Request.PutOutControl($ControlName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $Value)
    } #-- PutOutControl
    #                  ReportValidationError
    #   This function report an error message on invalid value of attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ErrorMessage - string with error message
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ReportValidationError ([string]$AttributeName, [string]$ErrorMessage, $Request)
       $requestType = $Request.Parameter('Type')
       if ($requestType -eq $Constants.EDST_REQ_CHECK_PROPERTY_VALUES)
          $Request.SetPolicyComplianceInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ERROR, $ErrorMessage)
          throw ($ErrorMessage + "Attribute: $AttributeName")
    } #-- ReportValidationError
    #                  ExecutePolicyRule
    #   This function generates a value in accordance with a PVG generation rule
    # Parameters
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   String with generated value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ExecutePolicyRule ([string]$PolicyRule , $Request)
        $value = $PolicyRule
        $rex = [regex]'(?:%<(?<name>.+?)>)'
        $neededAttributes = $rex.Matches($PolicyRule) | %{ $_.Groups['name'].Value }
        $neededAttributes | %{ $value = $value -replace ('%<' + $_ + '>'),(GetActualAttribute $_ $Request) }
        return $value
    } #-- ExecuteGenerationRule
    #                  ValidateAndGenerateAttribute
    #   This function validates attribute value and additionally generates value 
    # for attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    #   $IsValueRequired - boolean value indicating if attribute must have a value
    #   $PossibleValues - array with possible values
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $GeneratedValue- default value for attribute specified by $AttributeName
    #   $IsRestricted - boolean value indicating possible values are forced
    #   $IsAutoGenerated - boolean value indicating if the default value is forced
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ValidateAndGenerateAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request, [bool]$IsValueRequired, [array]$PossibleValues, [string]$PolicyRule, $GeneratedValue, [bool]$IsRestricted, [bool]$IsAutoGenerated, [string]$DisplayNote = 'Attribute valued does not conform to corporate policy')
        $value = GetActualAttribute $AttributeName $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsValueRequired'))
            if (! $value)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PossibleValues'))
            if ($PossibleValues -inotcontains $value)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PolicyRule'))
            $generatedValue = ExecutePolicyRule $PolicyRule $Request
            if ($value -ne $generatedValue)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
    } #-- ValidateAndGenerateAttribute
    #                  SetEffectivePolicy
    #   This function prepares effectice policies for attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    #   $IsValueRequired - boolean value indicating if attribute must have a value
    #   $PossibleValues - array with possible values
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $GeneratedValue- default value for attribute specified by $AttributeName
    #   $IsRestricted - boolean value indicating possible values are forced
    #   $IsAutoGenerated - boolean value indicating if the default value is forced
    #   $DisplayNote - string with display note 
    #   $IsServerSideGenerated - boolean value indicating that attribute will be 
    #      generated on server side
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onGetEffectivePolicy event handler only
    function SetEffectivePolicy ([string]$AttributeName, $Request, [bool]$IsValueRequired, [array]$PossibleValues, [string]$PolicyRule, $GeneratedValue, [bool]$IsRestricted, [bool]$IsAutoGenerated, [string]$DisplayNote, [bool]$IsServerSideGenerated)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsValueRequired'))
            if ($IsValueRequired)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_VALUE_REQURIED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_VALUE_REQURIED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PossibleValues'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_POSSIBLE_VALUES, $PossibleValues)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PolicyRule'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_POLICY_RULE, $PolicyRule)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GeneratedValue'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $GeneratedValue)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsRestricted'))
            if ($IsRestricted)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_RESTRICTED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_RESTRICTED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsAutoGenerated'))
            if ($IsAutoGenerated)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayNote'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_DISPLAY_NOTE, $DisplayNote)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsServerSideGenerated'))
            if ($IsServerSideGenerated)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED)
    } #-- SetEffectivePolicy 
    # ****** END OF CODE **********************************************************

  • This is not a trivial subject.  Are you familiar with the ActiveRoles $Request object and the various internal "events" surrounding an ActiveRoles transaction?

    Have you looked at the ActiveRoles SDK?  It will give some insights on this though I could not find a Powershell code sample in there for you.  The attached library of functions though does contain a function called ExecutePolicyRule which you might find helpful.


    # *****************************************************************************
    #                  Best Practices Library For PowerShell
    # *****************************************************************************
    # (c) Quest Software Corporation, Moscow Office
    # last modified: 2012/03/29 
    #                  IsObjectClassRequested
    #   This function determines if the request was issued for the specified 
    # object class. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler
    # to be triggered for the specified object class only.
    # Parameters
    #   $ClassName - string with object class name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "User", "GROUP", "computer"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When operation target object type equals to $ClassName
    #   $false - When operation target object type does not equal to $ClassName
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to any event handlers
    function IsObjectClassRequested([string]$ClassName, $Request)
              return ($Request.Class -ieq $ClassName)
    } #-- IsObjectClassRequested
    #                  AreObjectClassesRequested
    #   This function determines if the request was issued for any of the 
    # specified object classes. It can be useful to force the script policy event 
    # handlerto be triggered for the specified object classes only.
    # Parameters
    #   $ClassNames - string array with object class names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases for example "User", "GROUP", "computer"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When operation target object type equals to any of $ClassNames
    #   $false - When operation target object type does not equal to any of $ClassNames
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to any event handlers
    function AreObjectClassesRequested([array]$ClassNames, $Request)
              return (($ClassNames | %{ IsObjectClassRequested $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreObjectClassesRequested
    #                  IsAttributeModified
    #   This function determines if modification for the specified attribute 
    # is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler 
    # to be triggered for the specified attribute modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is modified during 
    #     request
    #   $false - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is not modified 
    #     during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function IsAttributeModified ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        $objEntry = $Request.GetPropertyItem($AttributeName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING)
        if ($objEntry -eq $null) { return $false }
        if ($objEntry.ControlCode -eq 0) { return $false }
        return $true
    } #-- IsAttributeModified
    #                  AreAttributesModified
    #   This function determines if modification for any of the specified 
    # attributes is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event 
    # handler to be triggered for the specified attributes modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeNames - string array with attribute names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases,for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is modified 
    #     during request
    #   $false - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is not 
    #     modified during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function AreAttributesModified ([array]$AttributeNames, $Request)
        return (($AttributeNames | %{ IsAttributeModified $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreAttributesModified
    #                  RemoveModifiedAttribute
    #   This function determines if modification for the specified attribute 
    # is requested. It can be useful to force the script policy event handler 
    # to be triggered for the specified attribute modification only.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function RemoveModifiedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
    } #-- RemoveModifiedAttribute
    #                  IsAttributeRequested
    #   This function determines if the specified attribute is requested 
    # to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is requested during 
    #     request
    #   $false - When specified by $AttributeName attribute is not requested 
    #     during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function IsAttributeRequested ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        return $Request.IsAttributeRequested($AttributeName)
    } #-- IsAttributeRequested
    #                  AreAttributesRequested
    #   This function determines if any of the specified attributes is requested 
    # to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeNames - string array with attribute names. Names can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is requested 
    #     during request
    #   $false - When any of specified by $AttributeNames attributes is not 
    #     requested during request
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function AreAttributesRequested ([array]$AttributeNames, $Request)
        return (($AttributeNames | %{ IsAttributeRequested $_ $Request }) -contains $true)
    } #-- AreAttributesRequested
    #                  AddRequestedAttribute
    #   This function adds the specified attribute to the list of requested 
    # attributes to read. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreget, onPostGet, onPreSearch 
    #   event handlers.
    function AddRequestedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
    } #-- AddRequestedAttribute
    #                  IsAttributeGenerationRequested 
    #   This function determines if a server-side generation for the specified 
    # attribute is requested. 
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   $true - When a server-side generation for specified by $AttributeName 
    #      attribute is requested
    #   $false - When a server-side generation for specified by $AttributeName 
    #      attribute is not requested
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onGetEffectivePolicy event handler only.
    function IsAttributeGenerationRequested ([string]$AttributeName, $Request)
        $requestedAttributes = GetInControl $Constants.EDS_CONTROL_FULL_EFFECTIVE_POLICY_INFO $Request
        if ($requestedAttributes -eq $null) { return $false }
        return ($requestedAttributes -icontains $AttributeName)
    } #-- IsAttributeGenerationRequested
    #                  GetAttribute
    #   This function returns a value of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function GetAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        trap { continue }
        return $ADSIObject.Get($AttributeName)
    } #-- GetAttribute
    #                  GetMultiValuedAttribute
    #   This function returns an array of values of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when 
    # the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Array of integer, string, or boolean values - When specified by 
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetMultiValuedAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        trap { continue }
        return $ADSIObject.GetEx($AttributeName)
    } #-- GetMultiValuedAttribute
    #                  GetActualAttribute
    #   This function returns an array of values of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when 
    # the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in any cases, 
    #     for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Array of integer, string, or boolean values - When specified by 
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetActualAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $ADSIObject)
        if (IsAttributeModified $AttributeName $ADSIObject)
            return (GetAttribute $AttributeName $ADSIObject)
            trap { continue }
            return (GetAttribute $AttributeName $DirObj)
    } #-- GetActualAttribute
    #                  PutAttribute
    #   This function returns a value of the specified attribute of 
    # the specified object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ADSIObject - the Request object, or the DirObj object, or any other
    #     ADSI-compatible COM-object. Please see ARS SDK for details
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $AttributeName attribute has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $AttributeName attribute has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function PutAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Value, $ADSIObject)
        if (($Value -eq $null) -or ($Value -eq ''))
            [void]$ADSIObject.PutEx($Constants.ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, $AttributeName, $null)
            [void]$ADSIObject.Put($AttributeName, $Value)
    } #-- PutAttribute
    #                  GetRequestParameter
    #   This function returns a value of the specified parameter of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error 
    # rising when the attribute has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ParameterName - string with parameter name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "MyParameter", "MYPARAMETER"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by
    #     $ParameterName parameter has any values
    #   Empty value - specified by $ParameterName parameter has no value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate, 
    # onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    # event handlers.
    function GetRequestParameter ([string]$ParameterName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.Parameter[$ParamaterName]
    } #-- GetRequestParameter
    #                  GetInControl
    #   This function returns a value of the specified ARS input control of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when the 
    # input control has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by 
    #     $ControlName ARS input control has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $ControlName ARS input control has no 
    #     value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetInControl ([string]$ControlName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.GetInControl($ControlName)
    } #-- GetInControl
    #                  GetOutControl
    #   This function returns a value of the specified ARS output control of 
    # the Request object. It can be useful to prevent an error rising when the 
    # output control has no value.
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   Integer, string, boolean value, or array of values - When specified by 
    #     $ControlName ARS input control has any values
    #   Empty value - When specified by $ControlName ARS output control has no 
    #     value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function GetOutControl ([string]$ControlName, $Request)
       trap { continue }
       return $Request.GetOutControl($ControlName)
    } #-- GetOutControl
    #                  PutInControl
    #   This function sets a value of the specified ARS input control of 
    # the Request object. 
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Value - any type value to set to the input control
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function PutInControl ([string]$ControlName, $Value, $Request)
       [void]$Request.PutInControl($ControlName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $Value)
    } #-- PutInControl
    #                  PutOutControl
    #   This function sets a value of the specified ARS output control of 
    # the Request object. 
    # Parameters
    #   $ControlName - string with ARS input control name. It can be in any 
    #     cases, for example "myControl", "MYCONTROL"
    #   $Value - any type value to set to the output control
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreGet, onPostGet, onPreCreate,
    #   onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues 
    #   event handlers.
    function PutOutControl ([string]$ControlName, $Value, $Request)
       [void]$Request.PutOutControl($ControlName, $Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $Value)
    } #-- PutOutControl
    #                  ReportValidationError
    #   This function report an error message on invalid value of attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $ErrorMessage - string with error message
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ReportValidationError ([string]$AttributeName, [string]$ErrorMessage, $Request)
       $requestType = $Request.Parameter('Type')
       if ($requestType -eq $Constants.EDST_REQ_CHECK_PROPERTY_VALUES)
          $Request.SetPolicyComplianceInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_POLICY_COMPLIANCE_ERROR, $ErrorMessage)
          throw ($ErrorMessage + "Attribute: $AttributeName")
    } #-- ReportValidationError
    #                  ExecutePolicyRule
    #   This function generates a value in accordance with a PVG generation rule
    # Parameters
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    # Return value
    #   String with generated value
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ExecutePolicyRule ([string]$PolicyRule , $Request)
        $value = $PolicyRule
        $rex = [regex]'(?:%<(?<name>.+?)>)'
        $neededAttributes = $rex.Matches($PolicyRule) | %{ $_.Groups['name'].Value }
        $neededAttributes | %{ $value = $value -replace ('%<' + $_ + '>'),(GetActualAttribute $_ $Request) }
        return $value
    } #-- ExecuteGenerationRule
    #                  ValidateAndGenerateAttribute
    #   This function validates attribute value and additionally generates value 
    # for attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    #   $IsValueRequired - boolean value indicating if attribute must have a value
    #   $PossibleValues - array with possible values
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $GeneratedValue- default value for attribute specified by $AttributeName
    #   $IsRestricted - boolean value indicating possible values are forced
    #   $IsAutoGenerated - boolean value indicating if the default value is forced
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, 
    #   onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
    function ValidateAndGenerateAttribute ([string]$AttributeName, $Request, [bool]$IsValueRequired, [array]$PossibleValues, [string]$PolicyRule, $GeneratedValue, [bool]$IsRestricted, [bool]$IsAutoGenerated, [string]$DisplayNote = 'Attribute valued does not conform to corporate policy')
        $value = GetActualAttribute $AttributeName $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsValueRequired'))
            if (! $value)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PossibleValues'))
            if ($PossibleValues -inotcontains $value)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PolicyRule'))
            $generatedValue = ExecutePolicyRule $PolicyRule $Request
            if ($value -ne $generatedValue)
                ReportValidationError $AttributeName $DisplayNote $Request
    } #-- ValidateAndGenerateAttribute
    #                  SetEffectivePolicy
    #   This function prepares effectice policies for attribute
    # Parameters
    #   $AttributeName - string with attribute name. It can be in 
    #     any cases, for example "edsvaMyAttribute", "EDSVAMYATTRIBUTE"
    #   $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this 
    #     object
    #   $IsValueRequired - boolean value indicating if attribute must have a value
    #   $PossibleValues - array with possible values
    #   $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
    #   $GeneratedValue- default value for attribute specified by $AttributeName
    #   $IsRestricted - boolean value indicating possible values are forced
    #   $IsAutoGenerated - boolean value indicating if the default value is forced
    #   $DisplayNote - string with display note 
    #   $IsServerSideGenerated - boolean value indicating that attribute will be 
    #      generated on server side
    # Return value
    #   No return values
    # Remarks
    #   This function is applicable to onGetEffectivePolicy event handler only
    function SetEffectivePolicy ([string]$AttributeName, $Request, [bool]$IsValueRequired, [array]$PossibleValues, [string]$PolicyRule, $GeneratedValue, [bool]$IsRestricted, [bool]$IsAutoGenerated, [string]$DisplayNote, [bool]$IsServerSideGenerated)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsValueRequired'))
            if ($IsValueRequired)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_VALUE_REQURIED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_VALUE_REQURIED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PossibleValues'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_POSSIBLE_VALUES, $PossibleValues)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PolicyRule'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_POLICY_RULE, $PolicyRule)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GeneratedValue'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE, $GeneratedValue)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsRestricted'))
            if ($IsRestricted)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_RESTRICTED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_RESTRICTED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsAutoGenerated'))
            if ($IsAutoGenerated)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_AUTO_GENERATED)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayNote'))
            [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_DISPLAY_NOTE, $DisplayNote)
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsServerSideGenerated'))
            if ($IsServerSideGenerated)
                [void]$Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED, 'any')
                [void]$Request.ClearEffectivePolicyInfo($AttributeName, $Constants.EDS_EPI_UI_SERVER_SIDE_GENERATED)
    } #-- SetEffectivePolicy 
    # ****** END OF CODE **********************************************************

No Data