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Why is Exchange Server 2016 not supported until ActiveRoles Server version 7.2?

We are working on a deployment/migration of Exchange Server 2016 and I'm surprised to find that ActiveRoles Server does not support this yet.

Exchange Server 2016 will have been out for two years if the 7.2 release ETA of November is on track.

I'm wondering if other customers have proceeded with deployments already. Our deployment will be completely on-premises.

Any feedback appreciated.

  • Why does it take soo long to implement this Exchange 2016 Support ? just to understand a possible reason why it's not coming sooner ?!

    Assume, Exchange 2016 has no really fundamental changes which may cause developing a complete new interface from ARS to Exchange ..

  • Why does it take soo long to implement this Exchange 2016 Support ? just to understand a possible reason why it's not coming sooner ?!

    Assume, Exchange 2016 has no really fundamental changes which may cause developing a complete new interface from ARS to Exchange ..

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