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onPostModufy Request Properties

Hello all, 

I'm new to the ARS world so perhaps what I'm asking is a silly question or not possible at all, I'm developing a script that will be triggered from the web interface to move computers under the desired OU, nothing special. 

I've implemented this in the function onPostModify($Request) and using $arsObjectDn = [string]$ to get the object's DN. 

Rather than using the DN I would like to pull other properties in the $arsObjectDn variable like, for example, samAccountName without having to use the DN as a starting. 

Is this possible? Is there a way I can display members of the $request object generated in ARS?

Thanks in advance for any help-. 

  • You can easily pull other attributes of the in-process object like this:

    $computersamname = $Dirobj.get("samaccountname")
    $computerdescription = $Dirobj.get("description")

    'Hope this helps.
  • Thanks Johnny,

    don't have the ARS server handy at the moment but I'm going to test this out tomorrow and let you know.

    I'm still struggling to grasp the way ARS runs scripts "internally", I'm more a vanilla PS guy :-)