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Unable to retrieve custom attribute using SPML


I am having issues with pulling custom AD and virtual attributes while using SPML provider to search user even tough I specifically request them in the attribute section. Any guidance is appreciated.. I do not want to stand up a custom webservice, rather use SPML provider..


  • opps. wrong file.. I did locate the schema file but did not find any tags where I specify the attribute to include in the return set..

    <objectClassDefinition name="user">
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="cn" required="true" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectClass" required="true" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectCategory" required="false" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectGUID" required="true" />
    I added the attribute that I want search to return here and set required = false but it still does not return any value..
  • opps. wrong file.. I did locate the schema file but did not find any tags where I specify the attribute to include in the return set..

    <objectClassDefinition name="user">
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="cn" required="true" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectClass" required="true" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectCategory" required="false" />
    <attributeDefinitionReference name="objectGUID" required="true" />
    I added the attribute that I want search to return here and set required = false but it still does not return any value..
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