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Unable to retrieve custom attribute using SPML


I am having issues with pulling custom AD and virtual attributes while using SPML provider to search user even tough I specifically request them in the attribute section. Any guidance is appreciated.. I do not want to stand up a custom webservice, rather use SPML provider..


  • Specifically, you will want to look at the SPMLSchema.Config file. The file you linked above is likely the SPML.config file.

    There you should see different sections for each object class. Assuming your attributes are User attributes, you will need to add a line in that section for the custom attributes you are trying to request.
  • Specifically, you will want to look at the SPMLSchema.Config file. The file you linked above is likely the SPML.config file.

    There you should see different sections for each object class. Assuming your attributes are User attributes, you will need to add a line in that section for the custom attributes you are trying to request.
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