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Sync Engine - Populating a target with a DN, based on source SamAccountName

Hi. I'm looking to set up an update activity in One Identity Sync Engine that does the following:

Source record: SQL database entry, containing a computer name and an owner SAMAccountName 

Target: mapped computer object in AD:

Forward sync rule: using the SAMAccountname in the SQL record find the DN, and write it to the ManagedBy field in the computer object.

The question is: how can this be done simply, without using a Get-QADUser PowerShell command in the forward sync rule?

I have a sample script that would perform a Get-QADuser, and return the DN. But that's really expensive.

There are thousands of records to update, and this would be really costly.

Is there a more elegant to do a lookup that would not require a get-qaduser query for every entry?



  • I suppose this is the best I can do. I was hoping we could perform some form of mapping or table lookup from an AD connection, without calling the Quest cmdlet each time.
    But if that's not doable, this will work.
  • I suppose this is the best I can do. I was hoping we could perform some form of mapping or table lookup from an AD connection, without calling the Quest cmdlet each time.
    But if that's not doable, this will work.
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