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workflow to add a user to a group using temporal group access

i need to remove and add accounts to a group after 24 hours for a business reason. Example: User requests for exception ; the exception is granted only by removing the account from a group; the exception expires in 24 hours and the account need to be added manually back to the same group.

This is done manually today.  I would like to automate this using ARS workflows.  user requests for exception ; AD admin will remove the user account form group ; this removal should force the admin to setup temporal group membership settings to add the account after 24 hours. so, the entire flow is automated.

any idea how to set this up?

  • 1. The Policy script is robust, solid option.
    2. Another option, you may want to explore, to use Workflow On-Request policy feature. The feature allow to Add-to-Group , Remove-from-group. Not sure it allows to control Temporary Group Membership (maybe?) Also, the Workflow cab to be used on Scheduled basis to execute Remove-from-group based on VA-attribute mark when user was added to the group. Note: in case OOB feature does not fit the request and you need to do explicit scripting, I strongly recommend to fall back on explicit policy scripting #1 above by Nick.D.
  • 1. The Policy script is robust, solid option.
    2. Another option, you may want to explore, to use Workflow On-Request policy feature. The feature allow to Add-to-Group , Remove-from-group. Not sure it allows to control Temporary Group Membership (maybe?) Also, the Workflow cab to be used on Scheduled basis to execute Remove-from-group based on VA-attribute mark when user was added to the group. Note: in case OOB feature does not fit the request and you need to do explicit scripting, I strongly recommend to fall back on explicit policy scripting #1 above by Nick.D.
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