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Why does changehistory take so much space now?

Upon migrating from ARS 6.9 to 7.1 I noticed that the change history database quadrupled in size after importing the previous version's change history database.  Is this typical?

  • Assume you got CH 7.1 for 1year and imported CH6.9 for another 1year (same length).
    Speculations of different sizing:
    (a) CH 6.9 can contain legacy bulk updates (QC, scheduled scripts) changes. in 7.1 the legacy workflows was decommissioned due AD management workflow changes in general.
    (b) V6.x used to have issue: Group Memebrship changes used to be recorded ALL members Old and New value for member attribute. In 7.1 the issue was resooved, and the only added/removed member is recorded in CH.
  • Assume you got CH 7.1 for 1year and imported CH6.9 for another 1year (same length).
    Speculations of different sizing:
    (a) CH 6.9 can contain legacy bulk updates (QC, scheduled scripts) changes. in 7.1 the legacy workflows was decommissioned due AD management workflow changes in general.
    (b) V6.x used to have issue: Group Memebrship changes used to be recorded ALL members Old and New value for member attribute. In 7.1 the issue was resooved, and the only added/removed member is recorded in CH.
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