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Import arsml files as an ARS policy



Is there a way to import a policy that has been exported as an .arsml file using powershell? 


What I want to do is the following.


Export an existing Policy which I can use to create a template file. Then use powershell to replace XXX in the arsml file with ANR (site ID) and then use powershell to import that arsml file creating a policy in a specific OU which already has the scopes and deprovison rules contained. 

  • The AR SDK provides methods for programatically creating policies that obviates the need for jumping through those hoops.

    Search the SDK for Managing Policy Objects and feel free to post additional questions here once you've given that a read.
  • The AR SDK provides methods for programatically creating policies that obviates the need for jumping through those hoops.

    Search the SDK for Managing Policy Objects and feel free to post additional questions here once you've given that a read.
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