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Active Roles (Auto Provisioning to AD groups) rule to One Identity manager

HI team,


i Have a requirement to move Active Roles (Auto Provisioning to AD groups) rule to One Identity manager roles , can someone provide me active role DB table where the group membership auto provisioning rules are stored

  • All Active Roles Policies are stored in the APOs table. Group Membership Autoprovisioning Rules will have <APE type="0x33"> noted as part of the XML blob in the edsaAPEListXML value.

    The Linkages between these policies and their trustees/containers is in the APOLinks table.

    Most of this information is going to be obscured or referenced via GUID. I suggest that you look into the Active Roles PowerShell cmdlets in order to organize the data into a readable format.
  • All Active Roles Policies are stored in the APOs table. Group Membership Autoprovisioning Rules will have <APE type="0x33"> noted as part of the XML blob in the edsaAPEListXML value.

    The Linkages between these policies and their trustees/containers is in the APOLinks table.

    Most of this information is going to be obscured or referenced via GUID. I suggest that you look into the Active Roles PowerShell cmdlets in order to organize the data into a readable format.
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