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Active Roles Replication Setup ARS 7.1.2

I am trying to setup Replication. I am able to promote the Publisher but when I try to add the Subscriber I get the following error - "Failed to get required data from the specified Administration Service due to insufficient access. Try to connect using a different name. We have setup the SQL permissions as describe in the documentation and are still unable to setup replication between the servers.  Any ideas what I am missing?

  • (suggestion). I would do replication the following way.
    AR SQL Replication: SQL01\ActiveRoles71 /Publisher - SQL02\ARServer71 /Subscriber
    1. SQL version. SQL01, SQL02 are both exactly the same SQL verstion (major.minor) (Windows Server OS can be different, but prefered the same)
    2. SQL rights. AD\svc-ars-service account (runs AR ADmin Service) got SQL01\sysadmin, SQL02\sysadmin
    3. Login under AD\svc-ars-service to AR01 | AR MMC | follow steps establish replication in AR MMC.
  • (suggestion). I would do replication the following way.
    AR SQL Replication: SQL01\ActiveRoles71 /Publisher - SQL02\ARServer71 /Subscriber
    1. SQL version. SQL01, SQL02 are both exactly the same SQL verstion (major.minor) (Windows Server OS can be different, but prefered the same)
    2. SQL rights. AD\svc-ars-service account (runs AR ADmin Service) got SQL01\sysadmin, SQL02\sysadmin
    3. Login under AD\svc-ars-service to AR01 | AR MMC | follow steps establish replication in AR MMC.
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