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attribute based access control

 Hey guys,

is it possible to give a user-group permissons (eg PW-reset) on all user in another user-group? Further we need do design this delegation dynamic.


An example:

All members of the group "APW123" can reset the password for each user, that is member in "GRP123".


We have about 5k "GRP" groups. So it would be great if you can realise this with regular expressions. I did not have found out how to do this in Active Roles. Do you have any ideas?

  • the request is very standard for ARS.

    ARS 'virtualization' on top of AD provides powerful feature: MU (Managed Units) is virtual OU based on any LDAP query. Any AR Workflow (AT Permission, Policy, Workflow) can be attached to the MU.

    in you case:
    1. MU_PWD = ldap query "memberOF AD\GRP123" (the option is available OOB)
    2. Trustee (AD\APW123) - Access Mask (AT Pwd Reset) - Scope: MU_PWD
    In addition MU can be based on any ldap query including Virtual Attributes (VA).
  • the request is very standard for ARS.

    ARS 'virtualization' on top of AD provides powerful feature: MU (Managed Units) is virtual OU based on any LDAP query. Any AR Workflow (AT Permission, Policy, Workflow) can be attached to the MU.

    in you case:
    1. MU_PWD = ldap query "memberOF AD\GRP123" (the option is available OOB)
    2. Trustee (AD\APW123) - Access Mask (AT Pwd Reset) - Scope: MU_PWD
    In addition MU can be based on any ldap query including Virtual Attributes (VA).
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