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Active Roles 7.1 Send As Permission

Attempting to allow Help Desk people to use Active Roles Console (i.e. MMC, or fat client) to set "Send As" (not send on behalf) permission on user's mailbox.  I've been googling, or going through a few ARS blogs, and product documentation but unable to find supportive information.  I must be looking at the wrong place...can anyone shed some lights on how to do that?  There are some old blog on using native security, some scripts, editing edvsaSendAs (or something like that)...but they aren't definitive to me, perhaps I am not technical enough to understand ... Any help is greatly appreciated.  I am particularly interested to find out if there is an built-in access template that will allow that...and then, where in the MMC I can access that "send as" information.

Again, much appreciated for any help..