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How to use powergui to convert vbscript to owershell

I need some information to convert an vbscript to powershell script.When i search in google i got information about Power-GUI editor which helpful.I tried to download the powerGUI tool but i got "active_roles_7.2.iso when i extract this file i got some documentation,solutions,ActiveRoles,ActiveRoles_7.2_Release_Notes.
I open ActiveRoles i icon i'm gettng attached one.
Kindly help me how to get this powerGUI tool to convert Vbscript to Powershell.It is bit urgent to me.
  • Hello,

    PowerGUI is no longer a supported product, and neither Active Roles nor PowerGUI have the capability to translate from one scripting language to another. I am not aware of any product which can do that. Someone who is familiar with both languages will need to re-implement the script.
  • It's a long shot - but maybe you're talking about this functionality.  

    Equally older post - but from Dmitry Sotnikov's blog - one of the former Quest geniuses that had input on the formation of both powershell and powerGUI back in the day.  Converts vbscript snippets to powershell.

    PowerGUI is still in use at my company ... it's just so simple and useful. 

    In a company that has reached so many highs - dumping support for this product, and it's expected/eventual inclusion in the ARS mmc as the mini script editor, was really dumb. 


  • Very interesting, and thank you for the links. Sorry about the SPAM flag, posts with external links are flagged automatically for review.

    This PowerGUI feature would be helpful when authoring a script, but still isn't really a conversion utility per se; instead, it highlights the equivalent function in the opposing scripting language. I have never seen a product which will "convert" a script from one language into another. I don't think that I would trust such a product to produce usable code, either - rules between languages are too different, and I don't think that a programmatic method of conversion would give the best results.