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Active roles assigning duplicate smtp address


Current ARS version deployed :

It is noticed that activeroles assigns duplicate smtp address to newly created mailbox/contacts.

This means that it assigns same email address to object 2 even if it is assigned to object 1

This issue is noticed for mailboxes as well as contacts.

Referred article and issue is described.

Ref :

Request you to please help if there is any hotfix for this





  • Here are the steps noted from Defect TF00704954 which can be used to reproduce this issue:

    1. Create two users (User A& User B) with Exchange email addresses.
    2. Open User A's properties in the Active Roles Console.
    3. Change email address within the General tab to the primarySMTP address of User B.
    4. Notice that both 'mail' attribute and proxyAddresses:primarySMTP attribute of User A are now changed to the primarySMTP of User B.

    I have tested and confirmed that this is what happens in all Active Roles 7.0 and 7.1 codelines.

    The expected behaviour is that updating a User's Email Address on the general tab does not change the User's Primary SMTP. It is possible to assign a duplicate email address, but this only updates the mail attribute and does not affect mailflow. This is described in detail in this Microsoft resource:

    As of this moment, there is no hotfix available to address this issue for these versions.

    That being said, I was not able to reproduce this behaviour in Active Roles 7.2

    If you upgrade to Active Roles 7.2, that should resolve the issue.
  • Here are the steps noted from Defect TF00704954 which can be used to reproduce this issue:

    1. Create two users (User A& User B) with Exchange email addresses.
    2. Open User A's properties in the Active Roles Console.
    3. Change email address within the General tab to the primarySMTP address of User B.
    4. Notice that both 'mail' attribute and proxyAddresses:primarySMTP attribute of User A are now changed to the primarySMTP of User B.

    I have tested and confirmed that this is what happens in all Active Roles 7.0 and 7.1 codelines.

    The expected behaviour is that updating a User's Email Address on the general tab does not change the User's Primary SMTP. It is possible to assign a duplicate email address, but this only updates the mail attribute and does not affect mailflow. This is described in detail in this Microsoft resource:

    As of this moment, there is no hotfix available to address this issue for these versions.

    That being said, I was not able to reproduce this behaviour in Active Roles 7.2

    If you upgrade to Active Roles 7.2, that should resolve the issue.
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