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ARS 7.2 with Ex2016 in hybrid mode - moving our mailbox management procedures

Hi All


We are coming to the end of an onPrem Ex2010 mbx migration to O365 Ex online. We also have authoritative onPrem AD, Azure AD Connect and Tenant, which I believe is a relatively standard setup.

We are keeping a hybrid Ex2016 server onPrem for remote O365 mbx creation (no mailboxes will be created directly on this server)

I am currently running our legacy build of ARS v6.9 and QC v5.3 (no O365 add on, or Internet connectivity), which is providing all our mbx management:

  • Provisioning MBX via policy on New Starter
  • Ongoing Management (Support team via web UI) - additional/alternative SMTP addresses on name changes. Modifying forwarding address (if default policy doesn't fit), send as and security.
  • Deprovisioning MBX - send mail to manager via policy. Mark box to be deleted.
  • We also do an Un-deprovsion via QC for non-perm staff that have returned within 3 months of leaving.

O365 mbx provisioning adds the following steps AFAIK:

  • Add additional "" smtp address to the AD targetAddress attribute.
  • Enable-remotemailbox
  • Set licence
  • Set Litigation Hold
  • Set Archive

then deprovsioning:

  • Remove licence
  • Set mail forwarding
  • remove mailbox
  • give access to archive


I am also running ARS v7.2/Synch in parallel.


What I need to do is transfer the current provisioning service to ARSv7.2, and have crawled over the docs/forum but couldn't find a definitive answer. I also couldn't see any O365 exchange policies or workflows in 7.2 to support the above, as I am hoping to automate this.


Anyone in a similar setup can give me any pointers/headstart??


Many Thanks
