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Modify Access Templates

       I am rebuilding our 6.9 ARS installation and have a question about Templates. During the original engagement my predecessor copied the templates he was going to use in a MyCompany container and didn't make use of the default templates. Is this a standard or 'Best Practice'?

       What harm could I do by following this process in an ARS 7 version? Is it supported? I understand the desire to have 'clean' templates available but does this complicate matters needlessly?


Thanks for your help,


  • When we first deployed ARS, the Quest Professional Services engineer recommended the same method (cloning defaults and then modifying them were needed) so I've been using the same approach ever since. I don't use any of the Built-in Access Templates myself and I don't see any risks with that. In that way, you always have a clean reference to the out of the box templates available and can easily recreate your own templates where needed. Also, in my environment I often find the Built-In ones assign overlapping permissions (for example, they often add "Read Domain" and "Read all objects" over and over again whilst I've already set those at the root levels).
  • When we first deployed ARS, the Quest Professional Services engineer recommended the same method (cloning defaults and then modifying them were needed) so I've been using the same approach ever since. I don't use any of the Built-in Access Templates myself and I don't see any risks with that. In that way, you always have a clean reference to the out of the box templates available and can easily recreate your own templates where needed. Also, in my environment I often find the Built-In ones assign overlapping permissions (for example, they often add "Read Domain" and "Read all objects" over and over again whilst I've already set those at the root levels).
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