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Is there a powershell command to update control groups for a group family?

We are transferring from using a product called GroupID to using ARS to manage groups.  GroupID has a similar function to Group Families.  We will setup a new Group Family and bring in the groups that GroupID created into that GF's controlled groups.  Right now, that looks like a very manual process as you need to search for the group and then add the criteria.  Are there any scripting options or powershell commands to do this?



  • So you want to script the addition of groups to the control group of the Group Family?

    The attribute that holds the list of the controlled groups is edsvaGFControlledGroupsDetails.

    You can create the Group Family, don't schedule or run it but then add the list of group DNs (and some other stuff) to the above attribute of the GF control group using PoSh.

    Once these are in place you either manually run the Group Family or configure a schedule.

    The groups' memberships should auto-populate thereafter.

    ** NOTE:  This not an officially supported approach. **

  • So you want to script the addition of groups to the control group of the Group Family?

    The attribute that holds the list of the controlled groups is edsvaGFControlledGroupsDetails.

    You can create the Group Family, don't schedule or run it but then add the list of group DNs (and some other stuff) to the above attribute of the GF control group using PoSh.

    Once these are in place you either manually run the Group Family or configure a schedule.

    The groups' memberships should auto-populate thereafter.

    ** NOTE:  This not an officially supported approach. **

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