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ETA on ActiveRoles Server support for SQL Server 2017

Hi. We're in the process of planning the replacement of our existing ActiveRoles server. We are going from Win2012 to Win 2016 and also moving the database from SQL Express onto SQL Server. Our SQL administrators are asking if SQL Server 2017 is supported. I don't see anything officially posted so expecting it's going through QA. Looking for ETA for support, it can be a broad answer. Will delay if we know it's coming soon (next 2 months).
  • Hey David,

    Currently Active Roles does not support SQL 2017, and I have not heard an ETA on when that may be. My guess would be later this year into early next year as our adoption of new SQL versions is typically a year behind the release.
  • Hey David,

    Currently Active Roles does not support SQL 2017, and I have not heard an ETA on when that may be. My guess would be later this year into early next year as our adoption of new SQL versions is typically a year behind the release.
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