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Remove add-ons in 6.9 prior to upgrade to 7.2

The 7.2 release notes advise removing add-ons prior to performing an upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2. What is the best practice for this step?

  • option1) ARS.MMC | Add-on section. Try to uninstall add-ons from there. Issue: you might "lost" add-ons because of upgrades etc. Then download and install Add-on Manager and the Add-on itself. Then uninstall it. Conern: it is *Change Control* over Production ARS (!). (it is "try and error" attempt, I did it in my lab)
    option2) call Quest Support. They might guide you through the *supported* process.
  • option1) ARS.MMC | Add-on section. Try to uninstall add-ons from there. Issue: you might "lost" add-ons because of upgrades etc. Then download and install Add-on Manager and the Add-on itself. Then uninstall it. Conern: it is *Change Control* over Production ARS (!). (it is "try and error" attempt, I did it in my lab)
    option2) call Quest Support. They might guide you through the *supported* process.
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