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Filtering possible attribute choices (policy) depending on choice of another attribute

I´m trying to build a function in Active Roles that that have logic for filtering possible choices (policy) for attributes depending on choice of another attribute. For example, if choosing Department 1 (valid in policy) then subdepartment (virtual attribute) could only be 11, 12 or 13. If choosing Department 2 (valid in policy)   then subdepartment (virtual attribute) could only be 21, 22 or 23. So the choice in dropdown (department) should narrow the scope of what id possible in the next dropdown. I have read but that is not what I am looking for since that is 1:1 mapping, I need a filter to populate a dropbox based on the choice of another droplist (present a subset based on first choice). 


Best regards, //Johan Salomonsson

  • Please have a look at this link:

    This functionality is referred to as Bound List Boxes. You can also search the SDK for an example of this as well.

    This article also has a coding example: