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ARS 6.9 - DACL getting re-added by ARS proxy account

we did a cleanup task to remove the users (not default accounts)  who had read/write permissions enabled on Group objects.  We removed this directly from security properties tab of group object. However, we noticed that the ARS proxy account we have re-adds the permission the next day exactly at the same time. We do have a scheduled task running around the same time which is for collector service.  Does collector re-add the DACLs?  Pls help to understand this.  If yes, why?   How do we remove this function?  What are the impacts?

  • I guess i am close to the resolution. on ARS console, i do see "the secondary owner can update member list" selected. may b ethat setting is bringing back the permissions. if this is confirmed to be the resolution , what is the job that makes syncs to AD every day at 4am? My collector scrip runs weekly.. any pointers to how this daily sync happens? any explanation?
  • I guess i am close to the resolution. on ARS console, i do see "the secondary owner can update member list" selected. may b ethat setting is bringing back the permissions. if this is confirmed to be the resolution , what is the job that makes syncs to AD every day at 4am? My collector scrip runs weekly.. any pointers to how this daily sync happens? any explanation?
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