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Customization in User and Group Creation Wizard

Hi All,

I need help to customize user creation wizard like i want to add description filed in user creation wizard. (The Description field should be populated in user creation wizard while creation of user and it should be mandatory to fill, without filling description field , wizard should not process for next step)

Can someone help me on this, 

Active Roles Version is 7.0

  • It is not necessary to worry about customizing the User Creation Wizard in the Active Roles Console for this. If you add a Property Generation and Validation policy on the Description attribute, and make sure that the attribute "must be specified", then the wizard will prompt for a value during the creation process.
  • Can you please help me, how can attribute "must be specified", i am able to customize user form , not able to make mandatory Description field.
  • You're in the wrong place.

    Ensuring that an attribute must be provided is done in a policy, not in the Web Interface form.

    In the Active Roles Console, visit Configuration/Policies/Administration