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Active roles Workflow Approvals


how can we add the description field to the workflow approval email message.

This way the appover can see what they are approving . We have the network path in all descriptions fields on Groups.




  • You need to fire a script activity in your approval workflow BEFORE the approval step that does something like this:

    Function UpdateRequestReason ($Request)

    $User = $($Request.Name)
    $NewDescription = $Request.Get("Description")
    $MsgToApprover = "Description is being modified to $NewDescription for user $User"

    $Request.PutInControl('OperationReason',$Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $MsgToApprover)

    You are injecting the message into the transaction.
  • You need to fire a script activity in your approval workflow BEFORE the approval step that does something like this:

    Function UpdateRequestReason ($Request)

    $User = $($Request.Name)
    $NewDescription = $Request.Get("Description")
    $MsgToApprover = "Description is being modified to $NewDescription for user $User"

    $Request.PutInControl('OperationReason',$Constants.ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING, $MsgToApprover)

    You are injecting the message into the transaction.
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