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ActiveRoles 7.2.1 update in replicated scenario

Hello all,

I'm trying to figure out the best way to go through this but so far did not have much luck. We're currently running ARS 7.1 and would need to update to 7.2 and then 7.2.1, in our setup we're using a replicated Configuration and History database.

What I'm looking for is a high level guide on how to proceed with the update, I thought I should demote the Subscriber and Publisher to stand-alone perform the upgrade and then reconfigure replication but that does not seem an option.

Question in a nutshell how shall we proceed with the upgrade? Any link/guide/suggestion is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

  • I recommend using the quick start guide along with a pilot test for the upgrade. Breaking replication is required as part of the upgrade process, also ensure you perform a backup of the configuration and management history databases prior to beginning any production upgrades.

    One note, you will need at least double the drive space on your SQL data drive as part of the upgrade process will "create a backup" of your old databases.

    Please use the Quick start guide as it details the process

  • Thanks a lot for the reply, actually shortly after I postd the question I realized I was looking at this from the wrong point of view.

    For some silly reason I was convinced replication should be suspsended from within ARS console while this is done via standard SQL procedure, I'm now going through this in the staging environment.

    I appreciate nonetheless your tips and the list to the documentation which helped a lot.

  • there are different ways to to upgrade. ARS Quick Start Guide PDF got whole section.
    Major points:
    1. Side-by-side in-parallel upgrade.
    2. In-place upgrade.
    In my opinion: #1. Side-by-side in-parallel upgrade - is the most appropriate option for any ARS Enterprise Level App Upgrade, which provides
    (a) preserves legacy ARS deployment for Roll Back (I guess it is the concern you mentioned)
    (b) flexible time for testing and cut over in Production.