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Filter for Search workflow

 Hi community,

i´m new to ARS and trying to setup different sceanrios.

I´ve setup a workflow to search for AD user objects and tried to setup a filter which compares the "XYZ1" attribute with "XYZ2". Search result should include all user object with different values.

Filter: "XYZ1" "does not equal" .... and this is the question: The target should be the XYZ2 value from all AD users in scope, but i can´t select it.

Any hints?


  • Thanks, i already did this with changed order, afterward i´ve configured a "Move" task to move all affected objects (Activity target: Found Object ("Search for objects")) to another OU. Once i run the workflow, all AD user objects independend of results are being moved to the other OU ....
  • Thanks, i already did this with changed order, afterward i´ve configured a "Move" task to move all affected objects (Activity target: Found Object ("Search for objects")) to another OU. Once i run the workflow, all AD user objects independend of results are being moved to the other OU ....
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