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Quest ActiveRoles script logic

Hello, first time poster, but this is really confusing me.

I have a very basic script but my logic is wrong because I’m not getting the results I need.


Background info, I have a csv containing a list of email addresses like,,

Here’s the script


Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement

Get-Content C:\WhateverTempFile.csv |


Get-QADUser -SizeLimit 9999 -proxyaddress "*$_*" |

Select-Object $_, SamAccountName, givenName, Lastname}|  Export-Csv C:\Results.csv


The results look like this







The problem is, I want the email address for each user, but it seems to be querying ADUC for an attribute called (which isn’t finding anything… so the results are null for all users)

How do I get that original value to display for each user?