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Managed Units don't show deprovisioned users and ARS policies do not apply to deprovisioned users

In the same way as you can change the way dynamic groups can contain non mail enabled accounts why can't we choose if a MU contains deprovisioned accounts. 

It can be limiting that ARS effectively ignores deprovisioned accounts. 

I have policies in place to help ( prevent ) the SD doing something they shouldn't like enable an account HR have marked as a leaver but once the account is deprovisioned these policies no longer work so the SD can enable an account.

Also I have teams who's only access is via the Managed Unit - if they deprovision a user account then it becomes invisible to them as it can no longer be a member of the Managed Unit.  If my query for the MU includes a filter to locate deprovisioned users then ideally teh MU should display the users.

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