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ARS Upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2

Hi, I was given a task to upgrade ARS 6.9 to 7.2 - newest version will be on the different server. I need a detailed step-by-step guide since this is on the production environment.

  • In-parallel upgrade side-by-side is strongly recommended for reasons:
    (a) RollBack: legacy ARS69 stays untouched and "insuarance" for RollBack if needed
    (b) Testing: allows time/room to "breath" to test in Production new ARS72, with no impact on HelpDesk and ADAdmin and no heavy cut-over date
    (c) (a-b) is very strong points to support the point: ARS is Enterprise Front-End Compliance sensitive Application and to be treated this way.

    AR Quick Start Guide covers some topics from Install/Devs standpoint, not from Solution/Consultant.

    If needed, customer may reach OneIdentity, Quest PSO to design and execute AR Upgrade in Production solid, smooth and with risks leverage.

    similar question was raised here on the forum
  • In-parallel upgrade side-by-side is strongly recommended for reasons:
    (a) RollBack: legacy ARS69 stays untouched and "insuarance" for RollBack if needed
    (b) Testing: allows time/room to "breath" to test in Production new ARS72, with no impact on HelpDesk and ADAdmin and no heavy cut-over date
    (c) (a-b) is very strong points to support the point: ARS is Enterprise Front-End Compliance sensitive Application and to be treated this way.

    AR Quick Start Guide covers some topics from Install/Devs standpoint, not from Solution/Consultant.

    If needed, customer may reach OneIdentity, Quest PSO to design and execute AR Upgrade in Production solid, smooth and with risks leverage.

    similar question was raised here on the forum
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