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ARS Upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2

Hi, I was given a task to upgrade ARS 6.9 to 7.2 - newest version will be on the different server. I need a detailed step-by-step guide since this is on the production environment.

  • This is a planning issue.

    Hopefully, you have a separate Management History database. It is here where all user activity is stored. As part of the setup of your new version of AR, you will create a new database and copy over the contents of the old database to it.

    Then, once you are ready to cutover all of your users to your new AR version (and its new databases), you will have to ask for an "outage window" to give yourself an opportunity to copy over any records of user activity that occurred between the time you initially setup your new Management History database and the cutover time.

    'Hope that makes sense to you.
  • This is a planning issue.

    Hopefully, you have a separate Management History database. It is here where all user activity is stored. As part of the setup of your new version of AR, you will create a new database and copy over the contents of the old database to it.

    Then, once you are ready to cutover all of your users to your new AR version (and its new databases), you will have to ask for an "outage window" to give yourself an opportunity to copy over any records of user activity that occurred between the time you initially setup your new Management History database and the cutover time.

    'Hope that makes sense to you.
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