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ARS Upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2

Hi, I was given a task to upgrade ARS 6.9 to 7.2 - newest version will be on the different server. I need a detailed step-by-step guide since this is on the production environment.

  • So everything that does not have anything with ARS configuration itself i.e. automatic task or task run by helpdesk staff is stored in Management History DB meaning I can import ARS 6.9 Configuration DB right after installing new ARS 7.2 Administration Service instance and then during planned outage import Management History DB too - that would be the moment when helpdesk has to start using new ARS 7.2? I hate this situation where there is no step-by-step guide from scratch and you deal with production environment ... Each product has its own logic and guides for these scenarios have to be at client's disposal.

  • So everything that does not have anything with ARS configuration itself i.e. automatic task or task run by helpdesk staff is stored in Management History DB meaning I can import ARS 6.9 Configuration DB right after installing new ARS 7.2 Administration Service instance and then during planned outage import Management History DB too - that would be the moment when helpdesk has to start using new ARS 7.2? I hate this situation where there is no step-by-step guide from scratch and you deal with production environment ... Each product has its own logic and guides for these scenarios have to be at client's disposal.

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