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ARS Upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2

Hi, I was given a task to upgrade ARS 6.9 to 7.2 - newest version will be on the different server. I need a detailed step-by-step guide since this is on the production environment.

  • As noted by Aidar above, most customers choose to hire some type of Professional Services (whether from OneIdentity or a qualified Partner) to do the upgrade work. The market reality is that many AR environments have not been touched for years and could use some review (and often, staff Knowledge Transfer) anyway to make sure that the customer is really getting the most from this excellent tool.
  • As noted by Aidar above, most customers choose to hire some type of Professional Services (whether from OneIdentity or a qualified Partner) to do the upgrade work. The market reality is that many AR environments have not been touched for years and could use some review (and often, staff Knowledge Transfer) anyway to make sure that the customer is really getting the most from this excellent tool.
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