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ARS Upgrade from 6.9 to 7.2

Hi, I was given a task to upgrade ARS 6.9 to 7.2 - newest version will be on the different server. I need a detailed step-by-step guide since this is on the production environment.

  • According to all said above there will always be inconsistency between two Management History DBs with common configuration in place. ARS 6.9 will not be aware of testing tasks done on ARS 7.3 and vice versa. Only merging of these DBs would allow both instances to be aware of all tasks. I assume ARS 6.9 and ARS 7.2 can not share same Configuration and Management History databases - concept of shared databases is mentioned in QuickStart Guide.

  • According to all said above there will always be inconsistency between two Management History DBs with common configuration in place. ARS 6.9 will not be aware of testing tasks done on ARS 7.3 and vice versa. Only merging of these DBs would allow both instances to be aware of all tasks. I assume ARS 6.9 and ARS 7.2 can not share same Configuration and Management History databases - concept of shared databases is mentioned in QuickStart Guide.

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