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Delegating rights to edit Managed Units

Is this even possible.  I've tried all the access templates and none appear to allow editing of a managed unit membership rules.  I can delegate the right to create a Managed Unit Container but unless you can then create a managed unit it's pointless.

  • Can you clarify your comment:

    " reiterating that they block one aspect but allow some which is kind of pointless and they should remove all of the delegation or allow everything to be delegated. "

    I'm not sure what, configuration-wise within in the product is delegated (out of the box) to anyone but an AR Admin?

    It sounds to me like (probably not by choice) you have been forced to give everyone back the keys to the kingdom which were supposed to have been taken away when AR was installed in the first place.

    I get that some people might prefer to perform certain tasks via ADUC but by allowing that and having "too many" AR Admins, you (probably not you personally) are still further confounding the value / role of AR in your environment - that of appropriate permissions delegation. Your comments about having to explain the whole AR Admins thing to auditors is a further example of that.

    Have you ever tried to sell the idea of taking greater advantage of AR's automation & customization capabilities with a view to eliminating the use of ADUC? For example, having on-demand workflows for performing bulk operations.

    PS If nothing else, I would be curious to know what kinds of tasks your colleagues think that ADUC is "better" for.
  • Can you clarify your comment:

    " reiterating that they block one aspect but allow some which is kind of pointless and they should remove all of the delegation or allow everything to be delegated. "

    I'm not sure what, configuration-wise within in the product is delegated (out of the box) to anyone but an AR Admin?

    It sounds to me like (probably not by choice) you have been forced to give everyone back the keys to the kingdom which were supposed to have been taken away when AR was installed in the first place.

    I get that some people might prefer to perform certain tasks via ADUC but by allowing that and having "too many" AR Admins, you (probably not you personally) are still further confounding the value / role of AR in your environment - that of appropriate permissions delegation. Your comments about having to explain the whole AR Admins thing to auditors is a further example of that.

    Have you ever tried to sell the idea of taking greater advantage of AR's automation & customization capabilities with a view to eliminating the use of ADUC? For example, having on-demand workflows for performing bulk operations.

    PS If nothing else, I would be curious to know what kinds of tasks your colleagues think that ADUC is "better" for.
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