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Managed Units container visible to everyone (Active Roles 7.2)

Hi, is there a way of preventing that literally everyone can see Managed Units container having logged in Active Roles Server using mmc/http? I have just logged in Active Roles Server using my low-privileged account both via mmc/http and all created managed units are visible - hopefully any action for instance on user account which is member of given unit will be followed by access denied message. Making Managed Units container visible only to the ones who should see them would be preferred way of preventing non-authorized stuff to even know about them let alone seeing their members ...

It seems the following security entry for Managed Units is possible cause but is this by default?

  • I have recently joined company and Active Roles was already in place - I have just upgraded Active Roles from 6.9 to 7.2, nothing has been changed in terms of configuration. Boss told me this morning that literally everyone could see all user accounts in Active Directory - I have checked it out - low-privileged user can not see anything apart from MU Containers let alone to view all user accounts ...
  • I have recently joined company and Active Roles was already in place - I have just upgraded Active Roles from 6.9 to 7.2, nothing has been changed in terms of configuration. Boss told me this morning that literally everyone could see all user accounts in Active Directory - I have checked it out - low-privileged user can not see anything apart from MU Containers let alone to view all user accounts ...
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