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how can i delegate user account creation form?


i'm using acive roles 7 and i need to delegate the user account creation form to another web interface (self service for example).

is it possible ? how can i do this ?



  • 1. Delegation is a permission regardless of ARS client (MMC, WI, script).
    2. ARS ADmin Website as client will show User Create Command/Form based on the Delegation (1). the WI allows customization.
    3. User Create can be shown when OU is provided. ARS SelfService WI shows login user properties, and not OU. You might need to think of more advanced workflow which triggers User Creation in ARS SelfService WI. Probably, the easiest way to provide HelpDesk ability to Create User via ARS ADmin WI (2). Though it depends on nuances of the workflow requested.
  • hello,

    thanks for your answer.
    maybe i've maide an amalgam.
    it's ok for the delegation, i want to populate the "url" the user's creation action to another web site.
    maybe users in the delegation have only this shortcut on a portal.
    do you think it's possible?

  • Very simple scenario ARS WI with User Create and User Update Form only.
    1. Create New fresh WI from “ARS Admin” Template (ARS Configuration Center | Websites): http://ARSUserProvision
    2. Now http://ARSUserProvision got all forms available (based on Delegation / Roles)
    3. Customize http://ARSUserProvision – strip off all buttons in Menu of the Website (Hide or even Remove) and leave only forms: User Create, User Update, Search, Browse AD etc.
    4. You may customize the WI to open by default on OU=MyNewUsers
    See ARS Admin PDF Guide and (optional) open SR in case you need a help.