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how can i delegate user account creation form?


i'm using acive roles 7 and i need to delegate the user account creation form to another web interface (self service for example).

is it possible ? how can i do this ?



  • hello,

    thanks for your answer.
    maybe i've maide an amalgam.
    it's ok for the delegation, i want to populate the "url" the user's creation action to another web site.
    maybe users in the delegation have only this shortcut on a portal.
    do you think it's possible?

  • hello,

    thanks for your answer.
    maybe i've maide an amalgam.
    it's ok for the delegation, i want to populate the "url" the user's creation action to another web site.
    maybe users in the delegation have only this shortcut on a portal.
    do you think it's possible?

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