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how can i delegate user account creation form?


i'm using acive roles 7 and i need to delegate the user account creation form to another web interface (self service for example).

is it possible ? how can i do this ?



  • Very simple scenario ARS WI with User Create and User Update Form only.
    1. Create New fresh WI from “ARS Admin” Template (ARS Configuration Center | Websites): http://ARSUserProvision
    2. Now http://ARSUserProvision got all forms available (based on Delegation / Roles)
    3. Customize http://ARSUserProvision – strip off all buttons in Menu of the Website (Hide or even Remove) and leave only forms: User Create, User Update, Search, Browse AD etc.
    4. You may customize the WI to open by default on OU=MyNewUsers
    See ARS Admin PDF Guide and (optional) open SR in case you need a help.

  • Very simple scenario ARS WI with User Create and User Update Form only.
    1. Create New fresh WI from “ARS Admin” Template (ARS Configuration Center | Websites): http://ARSUserProvision
    2. Now http://ARSUserProvision got all forms available (based on Delegation / Roles)
    3. Customize http://ARSUserProvision – strip off all buttons in Menu of the Website (Hide or even Remove) and leave only forms: User Create, User Update, Search, Browse AD etc.
    4. You may customize the WI to open by default on OU=MyNewUsers
    See ARS Admin PDF Guide and (optional) open SR in case you need a help.

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