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Home Folder provisioning

Hi, I'm very new to Active Roles. Trying to figure out a way to provision Home Folder for users.

We cannot put all our users in one share folder, we have over 40,000 home folders and can be a nightmare to manage. As of now, our provisioning team manually creates the folders on our Netapp, based on the users location, then we have GPOs that do the drive mapping based on Security Groups of each location.



This makes it easier to enumerate the folders in Windows Explorer, easier for users to find folders, etc.

I would MUCH rather get rid of the GPO / Security Group drive mapping and use the builtin Home Folder. I'm wanting to create a directory structure that would be more based on one static path, but still have sub-folders broken down by alphabet. This should help keep the number of folders down in each folder, rather than having 40 to 50k folders all in one share.



Any way of doing this?

Thanks in advance

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