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Merging databases during upgrade


I'm upgrading from ActiveRoles from 6.9 to 7.2.1. (It's a side-by-side upgrade.)

When I try to import the management history it greys out the destination database to use the same configuration database. Is this supposed to happen? 


  • With Active Roles 7.x, splitting the database into separate Configuration and Management History databases is a post-installation task.

    Before you import your Management History database from your old version, use the "Change" button in the Active Roles Configuration Center and check off the checkbox at the bottom of the next screen to configure Active Roles to store Management History in a separate database.
  • With Active Roles 7.x, splitting the database into separate Configuration and Management History databases is a post-installation task.

    Before you import your Management History database from your old version, use the "Change" button in the Active Roles Configuration Center and check off the checkbox at the bottom of the next screen to configure Active Roles to store Management History in a separate database.
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