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Changing Mailbox Features in ARS using PowerShell.


I am fairly new to ARS and the way that it interfaces with Exchange... Hopefully there will be an easy answer to this but I have yet to find it. When I am looking at a user using the QAD PowerShell commandlets, I am looking for the attributes associated with mailbox features so that I can hopefully turn them off or on using a script. So far, I have not been able to locate these attributes so that I can modify them. I have also tried to standard MS Exchange commandlets which allow me to read the mailbox features from a DC using Get-CASMailbox, however when I try to user Set-CASMailbox, none of the switches are available for me to change the features.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


  • Alright, that worked as far as returning the virtual attributes with Get-QADUser using the -Proxy switch. Now I am struggling to modify the virtual attribute using Set-QADUser with the -Proxy switch. How would I change one of these from true to false or vice versa since it is not a switch included with the commandlet?
  • Alright, that worked as far as returning the virtual attributes with Get-QADUser using the -Proxy switch. Now I am struggling to modify the virtual attribute using Set-QADUser with the -Proxy switch. How would I change one of these from true to false or vice versa since it is not a switch included with the commandlet?
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