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Primary / Secondary Owners inheritance

I'm looking to automate the primary/secondary owners of Security Groups - based on the primary/secondary owners of the OU that the Security Group is contained within.

Security Groups (top ou)

--Application Groups (sub ou)

-- --Application Team1 (sub ou)

Application Team1 OU will have a primary owner (the manager of the application team1 "team")

Application Team1 OU will have a secondary owner (the security group Application Team1)

I want all groups created in the Application Team1 OU to be auto populated with the primary/secondary owner from the parent OU. If the manager is ever replaced, we could change the owner of the Application Team1 OU and it will automatically update all the security groups below it.


Hopefully that makes sense. Seems like it would be easy to do, but I'm struggling a little bit.


  • OMG - I found my problem. I feel so dumb now.


    My workflow Start Conditions is configured to Any User - Container " Groups/Access/Applications" - which is looking at OUs under that location. I was changing the Applications OU directly - and wondering why the groups in /Applications were not updating

    When I update any OU under Applications - it works perfectly fine.

    Thanks for all the help and patience. I think this one is working as expected now.

  • OMG - I found my problem. I feel so dumb now.


    My workflow Start Conditions is configured to Any User - Container " Groups/Access/Applications" - which is looking at OUs under that location. I was changing the Applications OU directly - and wondering why the groups in /Applications were not updating

    When I update any OU under Applications - it works perfectly fine.

    Thanks for all the help and patience. I think this one is working as expected now.

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