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Unable to add users to a shared mailbox using Set-QADObject @{'edsva-MsExch-SharedMailboxUsers'='user'}

Hello all,

I am currently scripting the creation of a shared mailbox using PowerShell and am running into a roadblock. I can create the new object without an issue, all included information is included however I cannot seem to add any users to the shared mailbox using the attribute edsva-MsExch-SharedMailboxUsers. When I attempt to add a user to this attribute I will get either a Binary error or a SID error message and cannot seem to get passed it. One thing to note here is that if I pass a null value through, it does accept it and removes all user's from the shared mailbox, any other value I attempt to add will fail however. Having issues at this point:

Attempting to run:

Set-QADObject domain\RES-Object -ObjectAttributes @{'edsva-MsExch-SharedMailboxUsers'="user"}

Error messages:

Set-QADObject : Administrative Policy returned an error.
Destination array is not long enough to copy all the required data. Check array length and offset.
Parameter name: binaryForm

Set-QADObject : Administrative Policy returned an error.
SIDs with revision other than '1' are not supported.
Parameter name: binaryForm

Set-QADObject : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
At line:1 char:1

Any help or insight with this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
